First you may ask, why the script and why not seperate schedules. The reson is that some of the steps need to occur inthe correct sequence and this makes sure that they do. For example: You do not want to take a backup of your volume history before the database backup completes or you will not have the volumes of that backup defined in it. Se here goes:
Start the script with a deletion of old database backup volumes from the volume history. This keeps the volhist file from becoming too cumbersome over time.
def script backup "del volhist todate=today-5 type=dbb" line=001
This line starts the definition of a script call backup and adds line 1 to that script. Next we will add line 2 which will do tha actual database backup.
upd script backup "ba db dev=backups t=f w=y" line=002
Line 2 to backup the database has now been added to the script. Note that to add an additional line we used the update rather than the define command. Since the script now exists, the rest o the lines must be added with this option. Also the backup is a full backup to allow it to be used on it's own for a restore. Finally not the w=y or wait=yes option on the backup commnad. This causes the script to wait and not process subsequent commands tillt he backup is complete. This is important as we do not want to backup the volume history until th evolues from the database backup have been created.
The next line will cover this exact item.
upd script backup "backup volhistory filenames=F:\TSM_Backup_Files\volhist.out" line=003
So line 3 is added to the script which creates a volume history file of all volumes in the TSM system including the ones just added by the backup. And finally line 4.
upd script backup "backup devconfig filenames=F:\TSM_Backup_Files\devconfig.out" line=004
So now that the script is all ready, only one step remins. Putting it into the administrative schedules so that it runs on a scheduled basis to keep database backups available for a restore.
def sch BACKUPDB t=a cmd="run backup" t=a ACTIVE=y startd=04/02/2009 startt=23:00:00 dur=1 duru=h per=1 peru=D day=ANY exp=N
This will schedule the backup script to run each night at 11:00 P.M. until the system breaks down or someone tells it to stop. There are quite a few parameters on this command, and most of them are default values. I just added them to ensure you knew what was going to happen to the script.
That is enough for today. Again I am sorry I have not been adding posts as I wanted, but hope to improve in the near future. I have left the company I was affiliated with and have started to work as an independent contractor. Hopefully this works out and also leave me more time for items such as this.